
Bilingualisation Policies and Strategies in the USA

  • Наявність: В наявності
  • Модель: doc_104
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Виробник: ReadyProject
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The research project aims to equip the administration of Ukrainian higher education institutions (HEIs) and policy-makers with actionable insights and recommendations for developing and implementing bilingualisation strategies, drawing from the American experience. Bilingualisation refers to the use of two working languages (native and English) across various dimensions of higher education, including educational processes, scientific research, documentation, non-academic services provision, and external communication. The overarching goal is to develop a set of algorithms and recommendations that are tailored to the Ukrainian context, enhancing the global outlook of higher education in Ukraine.

Кількість сторінок 5
Мова англійська
Конкурсна програма Fulbright Faculty Development 2024
Компоненти документа Background, goals, objectives, methodology, research plan, evaluation and dissemination.
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